36 St. George’s members and guests attended our annual AGM/Garden Party held on Saturday 14th November at the British Club. We were particularly fortunate to have Kevin and Ann Hellon with us this year who currently live in Phuket. They are longstanding Committee members and run our website and administer the Ball tickets from afar so we were delighted to see them. In addition we welcomed Gale’s very lively family from the UK plus other visitors to Bangkok.
Events kicked off at 2pm with the AGM at which the 2015-2016 Committee was elected with Laura as President, John and Gale as joint Vice Presidents. Five new Committee members volunteered their services giving us a total of 15 Committee members this year which must be a record!
We managed to consume 25 bottles of wine plus a bit extra and 2 kegs of beer, so no one seemed to go thirsty and all was accompanied by a delicious curry buffet courtesy of the British Club who effortlessly seem to bring out extra food as required. We were even lucky with the weather; despite looking as if the heavens were about to open, the rain held off, the humidity dropped and it was very comfortable sitting outside for once.
Thanks to Gale, the Tombola was a great success (every ticket won a prize) and contributed over 5,500 baht to our Gift of Happiness donation. A special thank you to the British Club staff who bought so many tombola tickets and ended up bidding for the final booze items, include 2 bottles of wine and a large bottle of Baileys! We also want to thank the British Club for ulling out all the stops for us, and particularly to their hardworking staff for looking after us so well long after we were due to leave!
The wine flowed and conversation flowed for hours with the final guests departing around 10pm after a very enjoyable social event. A great day was had by all!