Apologies: Helen Couldrey, Robert Rose, Abbie Evans
I hope the sun is shining and you all have a nice glass of something in your hands.As you read this I am in England working and trying to make a start my Christmas shopping. As you all know, since June I have been back in England doing some legal work to cling onto my Solicitor’s license. It’s been a strange Presidency for me due to the fact I have been in the UK for 5 months of it. For this reason, I have split my welcome to this meeting into 2
- the first part… ‘my active months’ and
- the second part ‘my less active months’.
In my 7 ‘active months’ of the Presidency what a great time I had. I have really enjoyed running the society, organizing pub nights, committee meetings and obviously the main event … the Ball at the Royal Orchid Sheraton. It feels like such a long time ago now, but it was such a great night. And lovely to have a venue by the river. As always many of the Committee were the last ones to go to bed. (No names Laura, Gale and Rob!) The event wouldn’t have been the same without the amazing support of the Committee so please let me again extend thanks to all of you for making it such a success.
Now moving onto my 5 ‘less active months’. When I realized I would be going back to the UK for a while I was obviously worried about how I could juggle running the Society. Whilst I have still been keeping my hand in with it behind the scenes, I must take my hat off to my superb Vice President, Laura. She really stepped up and has allowed things to keep running smoothly. She has been sending out communications, hosting meetings, doing the admin, getting things moving with the 2016 Annual Ball … basically running everything! I cannot thank her enough. Thank you!!
The Bangkok St George’s is a Society that I am very proud to be a part of. We all have very busy lives but it’s amazing that we still find the time to bring at bit of Blighty to Bangkok. Thank you ALL for supporting me during my term and I hope you all have a fantastic day.
Your outgoing President,
The Minutes of the AGM held on 1st November, 2014 were approved.
President: Laura Smith
Vice President: John Hocking
Vice President: Gale Bailey
Hon. Treasurer: Martin Smith
Membership: Ghaff Kahn
Golf Convener: Ray Bloom
Website: Kevin Hellon
Ball ticketing: Ann Hellon
Ball entertainment: Paul Jackson
General Council: Helen Couldrey, Robert Rose, Abigail Evans, Carole Ann
Eastgate, Sue Steel, Andy Lewis, Hasan Kahn
A copy of the Treasurer’s Report is attached.A query was raised about the 20,000 baht charitable donation held over from the 2014 Ball which still has to be allocated. One option is to allocate 10,000 baht to a charitable project in Pattaya, proposed by John. John will provide the Committee with more details. A decision on the remaining 10,000 baht is still to be made.After discussion it was agreed to retain annual membership fees at 500 baht per person but dispense with the joining fee of 1000 baht. There will be no family memberships. It was noted that we need to provide incentives for members to renew their membership, e.g. price differential between members and non-members for Ball tickets.
- Kevin expressed concern that the website is seriously out-of-date as he has received no new information about the Society’s events or photos for a considerable time. It was agreed that updating and discussing ideas for the website will be a priority at the first meeting of the new Committee.
- John noted he is in the process of organizing a New Year Intersocieties Pub Night at Bei Otto (Soi 20) for Friday 15th January 2016. All agreed with the idea.
- The 2016 Annual Ball is booked for 23rd April 2016 at the Royal Orchid Sheraton and 100,000 baht deposit paid. Many thanks to John for all his efforts with this.
- On behalf of the Bangkok St. Andrew’s Society, Rab Thomas congratulated the incoming President and wished the St. George’s Society all the best for the coming year.
- Eddie Haworth, on behalf of the Gift of Happiness foundation, expressed his thanks for the generous charitable donations he has received from the Society over the past
Laura expressed her thanks to Members for attending the AGM and for electing her as the St. George’s President for 2015-16. She gave special thanks to everyone who has kindly volunteered to be on the 2015-2016 Committee and welcomed the new Committee Members. Everyone’s support is greatly appreciated and we are looking forward to what promises to be a great year!
There being no further business, the 2015 AGM was adjourned.